Supporting Driver Fitness

Driving is complicated. It’s not just about knowing the rules of the road and mastering the skills. To stay safe, you need to see what’s happening, think about what you are seeing and decide what to do before you do it. And to do this you need to be fit for driving.

DriveFit is a group of services that provide evaluation and support related to driver fitness. These services are:

Evidence-based driver fitness screening

Evidence-based driver fitness screening

Screens conducted by certified health and driving professionals

Screens conducted by certified health and driving professionals.

Timely, confidential reports with actionable recommendations

Timely, confidential reports with actionable recommendations.

Quality, client-centered rehabilitation services

Quality, client-centered rehabilitation services.

Regardless of you driver’s licence status, our team of professionals can help whether you want to:

And you don’t need a doctor or health professional to refer you:

Don’t see what you need? Contact us today!